
Martha Wainwright

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Martha Wainwright

With an undeniable voice and an arsenal of powerful songs, Martha Wainwright is a beguiling performer and a refreshingly different force in music.

Her fifth album, Love Will Be Reborn, was made during the pandemic in 2020-2021 and recorded in Wainwright’s hometown of Montreal, in the basement of her brand-new cafe, Ursa, which also served as a studio. Enlisting the help of Toronto musicians Thom Gill, Phil Melanson, Morgan Moore, Josh Cole, and producer Pierre Marchand, this album is a new beginning, where Martha looks back on what she experienced, from darkness to light, with a look to the future filled with hope. In her memoir, Stories I Might Regret Telling You, Martha digs into her life with the same emotional honesty that defines her music.

Friday May 20 @9:30pm - Sacred Show - Ste-Thérèse d’Avila Church

A 338751 1568449341 2787
Middle of the Lake Martha Wainwright

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